Squats, Calves and more
Uses the main leg muscles – essential after sitting for a long period of time. Quick break with many benefits beyond stretchIng the calves. Feel free to do a few* more squats (*10 – 20)
Uses the main leg muscles – essential after sitting for a long period of time. Quick break with many benefits beyond stretchIng the calves. Feel free to do a few* more squats (*10 – 20)
Free up the chest area and shoulders. One broom handle required. This should leave you feeling ‘much better’.
Grab a 0.5kg or 1kg hand weight, a 50cl water bottle or anything of similar weight for this exercise.
Quick release for this oft’ neglected area. Helps avoid RSI. Some easy balance work included.
The calf stretch – so overlooked, incredibly important, and so easy to get a good result/stretch. Do this daily, preferably bare foot. Keep checking the alignment of the inner edge of your foot.
Many commonly performed stretches become difficult or impossible to access as our knees or backs cease to bend as we get older. So we stop keeping these essential areas of the body mobile. In time this will impact on many … Read More
Everybody can improve their balance, no matter what their starting point or their age. Generally, it takes only 35 days of constant practice (5-6 times a week) to realise that you’ve already improved, for yourself. Care should be taken to ensure … Read More
Our 21st century lifestyle is having a profound effect on our posture and ability to move freely. I would like to see more effective stretch classes that counter the impact on our bodies of spending so much time in cars, sitting at laptops and peering at smartphones and game consoles.
Stretch Therapy (ST) is a comprehensive system that includes stretching, fascial remodelling, strengthening, neural re-patterning, and relaxation. The goals are grace and ease, and this is experienced as enhanced awareness and elegance in movement. I am excited to announce that, in September, I achieved … Read More
A fun and sociable exercise class that provides everything needed to achieve a good level of fitness, mobility and balance. This is more than ‘just-another-exercise-class’. Suitable for any level of fitness. Held at Whitchurch Community Centre, Bristol Road, … Read More